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Audio Branding as a key to success. Producers, brands and agencies talking about Audio Branding — Mubert Blog

Audio Branding as a key to success. Producers, brands and agencies talking about Audio Branding

To understand what audio branding is you just need to recall the Microsoft Windows startup sound or the ‘I’m loving it’ McDonalds theme. Out of all the existing definitions, the simplest is still the most applicable: audio branding is the strategic use of sound elements in order to build a strong brand identity as well as an emotional connection with the customer - it has been scientifically proven that music interacts directly with our emotional state, skipping the rational. → Learn more

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Mubert customer — Adidas. Next-gen music is here
Mubert customer — Restream. Next-gen music is here
Mubert customer — BBDO. Next-gen music is here
Mubert customer — PWC. Next-gen music is here
Mubert customer — Banuba. Next-gen music is here

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